L2Top.gr - Το πρώτο Ελληνικό L2Topzone list που δεν κάνει διακρίσεις!

Whispering Fields
Whispering Fields
Server rates and features
SP 3
Adena 3
Drop 5
Spoil 5
Safe Enchant 3
Max Enchant 16
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Offline Shop
Server Info
High Five LOW, HIGH & PVP SERVER, FULL GEODATA for better gameplay! All Areas and RaidBosses ready! Global Gk, GOD Armor, Weapon Setts! Dual Box, Community, Events, Donations, On HIGH rate: GM-SHOP, NPC Buffer, Long Bufftime, Join Now, we wait for YOU!