L2Top.gr - Το πρώτο Ελληνικό L2Topzone list που δεν κάνει διακρίσεις!

  • Owner: laughtale
  • Member Since: 2024-04-19 21:42:07
  • Language: lineage2
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: lineage2
  • Website: https://l2laughtale.com/
  • Status:
Server rates and features
EXP 2000
SP 1000
Adena 1000
Drop 50
Spoil 0
Safe Enchant 4
Max Enchant 20
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Offline Shop
Server Info
L2Laughtale Interlude PvP Server 1000

Server is Open as Beta From 18/4/2024 Until 25/4/2024

Opening START 26/04/2024

New Interlude PvP Server With Much Fun,Active Gm,Cool Features And Much More.

Server Custom Items: Apella Armor-Special Tattoo-Special Accesories-New Skills For Mage And FIghter.

Server Rates:  1000x XP 1000x SP

Enchant: Safe 4 Max 20 (Normal Scroll 65% Blessed Scroll 75% Crystal Scroll 80%)

Server Farm: Safe Zone For New Players, 1)Mid Zone Farm,1) High Zone Farm 

Server Events: TvT Event: Every 2Hours,King of Hell Every 6Hours,Tournament Every 8Hours,Party Farm Every 8Hours. 

PvP Zone: Primeval Island is The Location of PvP Zone The Map Restart Every 10Minute: The Top 3 Players Gets Reward

Players Command: You Can Use .farm To Make your Char Farm Automatically You Can Choose Which Skills To Use,How Far ur Char to Move,Which Mobs To Search, Auto Cp/HP/MP, Much More.

You Can Use .reg To Regist Your Character To Events : TvT - King of Hell or .leave To unreg.

Augument: Equip The Weapon You Would Like To Make Augument And Press Double Click on The LifeStone To Make it Automatically . To Remove The Augument Equip The Weapon You Want And Then Type .removels (or Find The Blacksmith Manager)

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