L2Top.gr - Το πρώτο Ελληνικό L2Topzone list που δεν κάνει διακρίσεις!

  • Owner: johnyzulu
  • Member Since: 2024-06-30 17:27:25
  • Language: lineage2
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: lineage2
  • Website: https://l2pagan.com
  • Status:
Server rates and features
EXP 125
SP 125
Adena 30
Drop 30
Spoil 30
Safe Enchant 4
Max Enchant 16
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Offline Shop
Server Info


Main information:
- Account creation is automatic (on login).
- The occupation is taken automatically.
- Full functionality in Alt + B (clan recrutement), achivements system, offline store, global teleport, NPC sckeme buffer, auction market.
- All players appear in starting zones as lvl 1.
- Implemented automatic use of cans of CP / HP and MP (type .menu), infinity soul/spirit shots.
- Premium buffs are available when buying premium account.

- The price of all three professions is free.

- EXP / SP: x125
- Adena: x25
- Drop: x50
- Spoil: x50
- Seal Stone: x10
- Raid Boss: x10
- Quest: x10

- Team vs Team, DM, CTF.

Sub-class, Nobless and Raid:
- Sub-Class does not require a quest. The maximum quantity is 3 Sub`s.
- Nobless Full quest (reagents are sold in shop) or Caradine letter in GM shop for Orion adenas or Event medals.
- Respawn Noblesse RB - 6+1 hour.
- Normal boss respawn - 24+1 hour.
- All Epic bosses will be dead on server start.
- All Epic bosses level - 80.
- Respawn of epic bosses (alway at fixed time):
AntQueen respawn everyday 20:00+1 GMT+2
Core respawn everyday 21:00+1 GMT+2
Orfen respawn everyday 22:00+1 GMT+2
Zaken respawn 2 days 21:00+1 GMT+2
Frintezza respawn 3 days 20:00+1 GMT+2
Baium respawn 4 days 20:00+1 GMT+2
Antharas respawn 7 days 20:00+1 GMT+2
Valakas respawn 9 days 20:00+1 GMT+2
- Use .boss in-game command for more information.

- Sieges every 4 days at 18-00.

The Olympiad:
- Start of the first Olympiad at 18-00.
- Duration of the Olympics: from 18:00 to 24:00 GMT + 2.
- Period of the Olympiad 1 week.

Augmentation (Life Stone):
- The chance to get a skill from the argument: Тop LS - 20%, High LS - 15%, Mid LS - 10%, NG LS - 5%.

Maximum sharpening:
- Safe sharpening +4.
- Weapon +16, armor +16, costume jewelry +16.
- Chance: Simple - 65%, Blessed 75%.
- In order to level SoulCrystals - you need to take quest as L2OFF.

The clan system:
- No clan penalties.
- The maximum number of people in the clan - Retail. Maximum number of clans in ally - 5.

Features / Miscellaneous:
- Functional Alt + B, for clan recrutement. (Shop / Buffer / Teleporter / Auction / Class manager - ingame commands).
- Up to 5 game windows are allowed.
- Champion mobs drop Event. medal with 100% chance.
- Champion mobs spawn with 20% chance.
- Full information on stats / drop / spoil / resist by Shift + Click on target.
- Convenient and multifunctional GM Shop with things up to grade B, as well as a "mammoth".
- Convenient buffer with the ability to save profiles and buffs pets.
- Under BUFF 36/6 slots are available, all buffs lasts 2 hours.
- Global Gatekeeper quickly takes you to the most popular locations.
- The weight and inventory limit is increased significantly.
- Time of using the command / unstuck - 5 seconds.

Server currency:
- Adena is the main currency of the GM shop. Obtained from all monsters.
- Orion Adena - can be obtained from Donate shop.
- Event medals - can be obtained from champion mobs.