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L2 Green World
  • Owner: Matthew81
  • Member Since: 2016-03-29 13:12:25
  • Language: lineage2
  • Platform: L2JAVA
  • Chronicle: lineage2
  • Website: http://www.l2greenworld.eu
  • Status:
L2 Green World
Server rates and features
EXP 20
SP 20
Adena 30
Drop 10
Spoil 10
Safe Enchant 4
Max Enchant 16
GM Shop
NPC Buffer
Global GK
Custom Zones
Custom Weapons
Custom Armors
Offline Shop
Server Info
Server Hardware
Technology Sandy Bridge E – 12 threads
Intel Xeon E5-1650 Six-Core
Hard disks 2x SSD 160 GB HW RAID
Connection at 1 GB

DDoS Protection

AntiBot system

Commands In Game
.control panel for various setting your character
.party [name] create channel for invite players to your party ( Zaken, Freya )
.report verifying that the player is not bot
.buffstore create shop with your buff’s
.buffshield your protection from unwanted buffs
.xpoff turns off gaining experience
.xpon turns on gaining experience
.combinetalismans combine all the same talismans in your inventory
.online show the number of online players
.offline create offline shop
.vote manual reward from voting
.siege manager for all castles
.password change your password
.stats show exact information about character statistics
.repair repair your broken character
.dressme change your visual texture
.gotolove wedding port to your partner.
.openatod [num] expands the number of Ancient Tome of the Demons
CTRL+click attribute stones or crystals in your inventory – add all element to item

Next Information
Maximum calculation Geodata
Community Board ALT+B
Quest item for Nobless in GM Shop
Offline Shops with enchant buffs
Offline Shops
Manually-reward vote system .vote
Auto-reward system for all online players
Heroes are every 14 days
Scheme NPC Buffer
Special Global Gate Keeper
GM Shop max S-grade
Soul Crystals in GM Shop
Auto learn skills
Raid Boss Red Devil every 5 hours
Special Shop for Mouse Coins
Vitality system
My Teleports
Subclass max. 3x
Subclass max. level 85
NPC Nevits Blessing
Announcement Raid Boss spawn
Auto Class Master
Freya Instance without Quest
Clan Items in GM Shop
Seed of Infinity
Seed of Destruction
Seed of Anihilation
Pailaka instances
Fortress Siege
Castle Siege
Seven Signs Epic Quests
Kamaloka instaces
Siegable Clanhalls
Delusion Chamber
Territorial Wars